Yoga Class Descriptions

Join US For Interactive live online group classes.

In-person classes are on Mondays only.

Benefits of Interactive Live Online Yoga


Personalized Attention



No need to rush to a studio

practice from anywhere with an internet connection

Are you ready to take your virtual experience to the next level? Click here to uncover more amazing ways to benefit from this popular and innovative virtual class format.

ENERGIZING MORNING FLOW (Live Interactive Online)

Saturdays 10-11 a.m.

Want to move, stretch, and strengthen in a gentle but challenging and effective way? Want to feel more relaxed yet energized? Make morning yoga your favourite part of the day.

These live, interactive online classes will be inspired by various yoga styles and traditions, including a sprinkling of more subtle yoga practices such as pranayama (breath work), dharana (mindful focus), and dhyana (meditation).


YIN, YANG & RESTORE (Live Interactive Online)

Mondays 4:00-5:30 pm (ON HOLD)

These live, interactive online classes blend a few styles of yoga:

1) Yin Yoga—a slow, meditative sequence of postures allowing you to soften into gently held poses on the floor, tapping into the connective tissue of the lower body, increasing flexibility while releasing tension and stress;

2) Yang Yoga—a dynamic practice working on “yang” muscles, building strength, stamina and flexibility; and

3) Restorative Yoga—a therapeutic style of yoga using props to support the body in positions of ease and comfort to facilitate relaxation and health.

During the restorative yoga poses, we’ll use eye coverings to block out the light, blocks, bolsters, cushions, pillows to support the body, and blankets for extra warmth and support.

GENTLE EVENING FLOW (In-Person @ Studio 71 Yoga)

1) Mondays 7-8 p.m. Jan 8-Feb12 (6 weeks) FULL

2) Mondays 7-8 p.m. Feb 26-Mar 25 (5 weeks) FULL


These in-person classes are inspired by various yoga traditions, with particular emphasis on breath awareness, functional alignment and movement literacy.


Gradually building on sequences of asanas (postures), we’ll link breath with movement, including poses that pull tension out of the body, helping you calm the mind as you wind down for the evening.

Together we’ll also explore the body/mind connection with more subtle yoga practices, such as pranayama (breath work), dharana (mindful focus), and dhyana (meditation) as a way to help regulate the nervous system.

GUIDED MEDITATION–iRest Yoga Nidra (Live Interactive Online)

Tuesdays* 10-11 a.m.

Take a break and reset your day, starting with a brief awareness exercise and a 35-minute iRest® Yoga Nidra practice—a guided meditation practice for deep relaxation and healing.

iRest core concepts are introduced each week during these live, interactive online classes as you are guided into deeply relaxing states, moving beyond self-limiting beliefs and conditioning. With practice, you’ll enhance your awareness of being whole, ultimately realizing that you are perfect just as you are.

Scientific research has shown that regularly practicing iRest Yoga Nidra benefits stress that you might be experiencing, sleep disturbances, chronic pain, and anxiety. It can also help with chemical dependency, post-traumatic stress injury, depression, cancer and other conditions.

You can practice lying down or sitting on a chair with open or closed eyes. You don't need any previous experience to practice iRest because there’s no right or wrong way to do this. Remain at ease, and follow my voice while letting your experience be as it is.

For a preview, get your FREE guided meditation below.

*BONUS: Attend the YOGA NIDRA meditation classes at NO COST when registered for another weekly yoga class series. Conditions apply.


GENTLE EVENING FLOW (Live Interactive Online)

Tuesdays 7-8 p.m.

These live, interactive online classes are inspired by various yoga traditions with particular emphasis on breath awareness, functional alignment and movement literacy, gradually building on sequences of asanas (postures), linking breath with movement.

This slow vinyasa flow includes poses that pull tension out of the body to help calm the mind as you wind down for the evening.

Together we’ll also explore the body/mind connection with more subtle yoga practices, such as pranayama (breath work), dharana (mindful focus), and dhyana (meditation) as a way to help regulate the nervous system.

GENTLE CHAIR YOGA FLOW (Live Interactive Online)

Wednesdays 10-11 a.m.

The practice of yoga is accessible regardless of how your body moves. If you prefer the support of a chair during yoga, this class is for you.

We’ll integrate fun, accessibility and ease into these live, interactive online classes.

Experience the traditional physical benefits of yoga asana (postures), such as increased muscle tone, flexibility, strength, improved range of motion, body awareness, and agility.

Together, we’ll also explore the body/mind connection with more subtle yoga practices such as pranayama (breath work), dharana (mindful focus), and dhyana (meditation) as a way to help regulate the nervous system.


Wednesdays 4:15-5:30 p.m.

Ashtanga Vinyasa is a traditional system of yoga originating in Mysore, India, in the late 1940s and later introduced to America and the West in 1975. The three pillars of this energetic and structured style of yoga will be taught: asana (posture), pranayama (breath work), and drishti (gazing point).

This vigorous, moderate-paced, shortened version of the Ashtanga Primary Series may include the invocation (opening chant), sun salutations A & B, standing and seated postures, an introduction to back bending, some poses of the closing sequence, as well as a sprinkling of yoga philosophy.

Extra attention is given to alignment and body awareness to practice safely during these live, interactive online classes.

Students should have experience with Vinyasa Flow yoga.

Would you like help deciding which class to take? I can help you make the right choice. Book your 30-minute Yoga Consultation now. It’s free!