Relax and Enjoy the Ride

In Winnipeg, across Canada and elsewhere, hot weather arrived earlier than usual after a short transition from spring to summer. The persistent hot and humid weather here has become almost unbearable for me. Temperatures have soared to over 30 degrees Celsius (well over 40 degrees with the humidity index) day after day for over a month.

I’m grateful I have central air conditioning to stay cool and refreshed in my home. For others who are less fortunate, the heat has forced them to seek refuge in air-conditioned buildings and make frequent visits to public splash pads and pools.

With the arrival of hot summer weather, it's understandable if you feel less motivated to practice yoga. But not to worry—taking a break from yoga during the summer can be highly beneficial.

It's helpful to remember that taking breaks for rest and recovery is just as crucial as maintaining a consistent yoga practice. Giving yourself time off from yoga can enhance your strength and concentration. You’ll notice these improvements when you return to your practice.

Summer vacation also provides a chance to try new physical activities and experiences. Whether hiking, swimming, playing pickleball, or taking leisurely walks in nature, moving your body in different ways can be incredibly rejuvenating.

Hesitant about taking a break from yoga? There are many ways to stay connected to your practice. You can integrate mindfulness into your daily routine, practice seated or walking meditations, or explore restorative yoga poses that leave you feeling rested and restored.

Above all, listen to your body and honour your needs. Taking a break from yoga during summer vacation can help you rest, recharge, and reconnect with your practice in new and exciting ways.

Trust that you know what's best for you, and give yourself the space and time to make it happen.

Embrace summer, explore new opportunities, and relax and enjoy the ride.

If a road trip is in your plans, travel safely and be well.

With joy and gratitude,
