Personal Growth and Fulfillment One Step at a Time


I’m incredibly grateful to share a recent blog post by my dear friend and fellow yoga teacher, Ilona Goanos, who interviewed me last week (scroll to the bottom of the page for the link).

Ilona is a talented writer, and I think you’ll find that “A Transformative Journey from Corporate Health Care Worker to Yoga Teacher: Jeannine’s Story” is worth reading.

But first, I would like to introduce Ilona, who lives in Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey.

Ilona—a devoted wife and mother to three adult children and her dog Polly—enjoyed a successful 40-year career working in the U.S. government defence field. During a pause between jobs, she pursued a yoga teacher certification, which led her to become a yoga teacher for individuals with substance use disorder—a job that she found deeply fulfilling.

Unfortunately, Ilona was let go from this job due to the pandemic. So, she began teaching yoga online and writing a weekly newsletter.

Over time, her newsletter/blog evolved from yoga philosophy to cover various topics, including aging, emotional wellbeing, sobriety, and death.

Ilona’s writing specifically targets individuals approaching the end of their careers, empty nesters, or anyone starting a new chapter in life with meaning, intention, and purpose.

Seeing people climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge inspired me to tackle my fear of heights

I took the photo above in 2012 during my visit to Sydney, Australia. It showcases tiny dots, which are actually people climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Witnessing this inspired me to conquer my fears and do the same.

The concepts of challenge, transformation and gratitude are essential for personal growth and fulfillment.

I faced my fear of heights by taking on the bridge climb challenge, which you can see in the image below.

Though nervous, I took one step at a time while safely tethered and equipped with a unique jumpsuit and gear.

I was the second person from the top (right next to the climb leader), and stopping for a breather was always a welcome relief.

Embracing challenges is never easy. But by doing so, we can achieve inner peace and happiness while appreciating the blessings in our lives.

It’s important to remember that transformation is an ongoing process, and every day offers new opportunities for growth and self-improvement.

Practicing gratitude can positively affect our relationships, overall wellbeing, and self-esteem during tough times.

I encourage you to take on challenges and transformations incrementally.

I suggest incorporating gratitude into your daily routine by acknowledging even the smallest things. Whether it’s something minor or monumental, it's worth appreciating.

As my Sydney climb leader did for me, I’m here to support you as you embark (or continue) on a journey of personal growth, fulfillment, and success.

With my focus on you now, I would like to share two upcoming events that may spark your interest.

Want to experience a deeper Savasana? Would you like to start sleeping better? Click here if you’d like to find out how.

Once again, my friend Ilona Goanos is a talented writer, and I think you’ll enjoy reading “A Transformative Journey from Corporate Health Care Worker to Yoga Teacher: Jeannine’s Story”.

You can click here to read the interview.

Finally, since it’s Thanksgiving long weekend in Canada, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your presence and support.

With the greatest of joy and gratitude,
